The Best Customer Service

The basic concept of customer service is all about getting your customers to come back to you – creating repeat business.

When you have excellent customer service, two things happen:


1] You get repeat business


2] Your customers will talk about you (word-of-mouth marketing).


Below are tips for excellent customer service:


1] Always respond to telephone calls and call people back.


2] Always respond to emails. If you are not around, set up your email auto-responder to let people when you will be back, and that you will respond once you have access to email. In your auto-responder, give another person whom they can contact.


3] Be patient with your customers and listen to them.


4] Be accessible to your customers.


5] Deal with complaints. This is not easy, and many times small business owners will say to themselves, “ok… so I’ll lose one customer…” No one likes to deal with complaints, but your ability to make another customer happy will prove worthwhile in the long run.


6] Always throw in some kind of incentive for repeat customers. Let it be a coupon for a future discount or a buy-one and get-another-half-price or something.


7] Excellent customer service depends on everyone at your team. Train your staff as well!


8] In your marketing campaign point out the fact that you have excellent customer service. Why? Because people are looking for service that is hassle free. People are looking for a solution to their problem – your offer of great customer service gives them peace of mind.


9] Follow up calls after selling a product or service. Simply ask if everything worked out and if they have any questions regarding the product or service. This will leave a good impression of you and your company, and will secure repeat business.

10] Remember your customers’ names.


11] Sometimes you need to run the extra mile. This means that many times a customer will ask you about a product that you don’t have, or ask you a question for which you may not have the answer. Try to make the effort to help them out – it will pay off.


12] Always remember: Service with a smile!

About the Author:

Hillel Porath is the founder and developer of . Hillel has been working in marketing for several years learning many valuable lessons along the way, the fruits of which appear on his website. Hillel lives with his wife and toddler in Israel.

Article Source: - The Best Customer Service

Service, Business, Marketing, Customer