Finding a Reliable Accountant

If you need help with your yearly tax return or run a business that requires employing an accountant, then it can be quite a mission to find a competent accounting firm offering professional and expert help.

When running your own company or if you are self-employed, hiring an accountant can be priceless. A few of the services they offer include completing tax returns, keeping company accounts, financial planning, auditing and book-keeping. Most of the professionals also advice on anything from buying new company cars to selling shares.

Whatever type of accountant is required, (chartered, tax, etc.); most people don’t really know what they should be looking out for in their search. Generally decisions are based on the locality, an advert found in the phonebook or recommendations from friends and colleagues. Taking the time to find out something about the company you select will make all the difference between an accountant who is just doing their job and one who will be loyal and enterprising.

Rules, regulations and laws are constantly changing. If you already have your own business or are in the process of setting one up then you know how important it is to be up to date. This is where the accountant comes in. These professionals are the ones that are aware of the current changes concerning financial activities that might affect your business. With a capable accountant you can be sure your business is in good hands so you’ll never have any problems with the complicated changes by governments on how to fill out tax returns and the penalties imposed if other financial commitments are not taken care of.

Tax accountants have become more in demand due to complicated government rules and regulations on how to fill out tax returns and penalties imposed or losses incurred if other financial commitments are not kept up with. As well as maintaining all the necessary paperwork, they can save you valuable time and advice you on ways to cut costs. For example, a reliable accountant will be up to date on tax laws and legislation that will help them in their decision making processes and hopefully save your business money. It’s very important to select an accountant suited to your company as they will not only keep the records and finances updated and in order but can also facilitate expansion

To find the right accountant is the tricky part. The first place to look is on the internet. If possible you want an accountant in your area that has been recognized for a number of years. If you like their credentials it will enable you to meet them face to face to discuss your needs and requirements. Ask people and business owners from similar industries for their recommendations and opinion. Most of them have been gone through trial and error and there is no need for you to follow those footsteps, but only the ones that are good for you.

Large accountancy firms might have the advantage of offering their services at more competitive rates; however a smaller company could provide a more personable service and commit more time to your account. Don’t be afraid to contact the firm to ask questions and advice before making a decision. Consider the area you need advice or help in as companies often specialize in particular fields, for example if you are setting up a small clothing company, the accountancy firm you select should be clued-up and have some experience in this sector.

An important note is; only registered agents are allowed to charge for preparing or lodging a tax return, so always check for official recognition from a recognized body, especially if you are thinking of selecting an individual accountant.

There are only a few companies in Australia which offer an accounting firm referral service. They can find you professional help in your local area for free. Members of their network are fully qualified Chartered Accountants or Certified Practicing Accountants, if you are searching for a general chartered accountant or require a specialist, they can help you locate one in a location you choose. They provide a range of accountancy services, from financial planning, trust accounting, setting up a company and auditing to superannuation, bookkeeping and litigation.

Choose an accountant firm that responds quickly to your questions, speaks your language and has an understanding of your industry. An accountant is not just a tax specialist, but they can offer advice and guidance that can lead your business in the right direction and into the future, if you ask for it. Handing your financial records over to someone you don’t know involves a lot of trust and co-operation. It has to feel right.

About the Author:

Michiel Van Kets provides articles for
Adrian Raftery who is the owner of the website accountantsRus. Adrian is an expert in finding the right accountant in Australia for you. They have all kinds of accountants in their database, like tax accountants.

Article Source: - Finding a Reliable Accountant

Accounting Firms, Chartered Accountants, Tax Accountants